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on facebook-Lila Lim (Leannelwz)
on tweets - lilaleannelim
on instagram- lilaleannelim


A puppy rottweiler.
Had Just left.
Bathed her before she leaves.
Applied cream and everything for her.
She is the sister of sean(guardmyhouse) and sunny(guardthefactory).
She was suppose to guard the factory with sunny.
Innitially sean is missioned to guard the factory too. But it ended up as my pet. Haha.
Chelle dislike her very much.
She is jeolous about her. And hide herself up. Under the sofa. Refused to come out. Haa.
One thing bobo made chelle really mad is. Bobo bite chelle's buttock.
Maube bacause chelle is having menstrual and bobo love that smell.
Chelle was so angry and scolded her with her loud loud.bark.
Just a 6 weeks old puppy. So fragile. She cant even walk well. Keep falling down in my house. Haha. Funny scene. So basically. She actually crawl in my house.
She loves to bite human's hair and toe. Its because of her itchy mouth. Just like babies. Love to bite everything.
When she see happy having fun with chelle. She wanna join instead of sleeping. She is the one who chase the adult dog. Lol. She suppose to sleep 18 hrs per day. SHE's A PUPPY!! Always with her tongue out. So adorable. :)

Some pichax here.

take care Bo.


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